
广西建工集团有限责任公司是国有大型建筑安装企业,主业涵盖建筑施工与安装、基础设施投资与建设、房地产开发以及商贸物流与建筑机械制造和租赁等四大支柱业务板块,拥有对国外经济技术合作业务经营权和进出口贸易权。集团有全资子公司12家,其中工程施工总承包特级资质企业1家、一级资质企业9家,建筑机械制造企业1家,国际贸易和工程承包企业1家;另有控股企业5家,参股企业2家,甲级设计研究院1家。拥有各类专业技术人员8800多人(其中高级职称490人,中级职称2177人);建造师4000多人(其中一级建造师764人,二级建造师3311人)。集团公司及其子公司通过ISO9000国际质量体系认证和职业健康、环境国际体系认证。集团公司2013年营业收入达到541.3亿元,名列2013年中国企业500强第238位,中国承包商60强第6位,荣获2013中国建筑金砖奖十佳更具竞争力建筑企业等称号,并多次荣获全国建筑业AAA级信用企业荣誉称号。2012年初集团公司列入广西“千亿元企业工程”重点扶持企业之一。As a large-scale state-owned construction and installation enterprise, Guangxi Construction Engineering Group Corporation Limited dedicates to four pillar business section: construction and installation, infrastructure investment and construction, real estate development, trade logistics and construction machinery manufacturing and leasing. It has the right to take cooperation with the business power of operation of the foreign economic and technical entities and the right of export and import. Under the corporation, there are 12 wholly-owned subsidiaries, among which 1 Superfine Grade General Contract Construction Company, 9 Grade 1 General Contract Companies, 1 Manufacturing Company for Construction Machinery, and 1 International Trade and Project Contracting Company; there are also 5 holding companies , 2 share-holding companies and 1 Class A Design Institute. The corporation owns over 8800 technicians (490 with senior title, 2177 with medium title) in all kinds of specialties and more than 4000 constructors (764 with Grade 1 Certificate, 3311 with Grade 2 Certificate). The whole corporation passed through ISO9000 quality management system authentication and international system authentication for professional health and environment. In 2013, the corporation has ranked No.238 in China Top 500 Enterprises, No.6 in China Top 60 Contractors and also won the Gold Nugget Awards with the title of Top 10 Competitive Construction Company. The corporation has been listed in the plan of Guangxi Government for hammering 100-billion-output enterprises in the beginning of 2012.

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2017、2018年是职称改革力度空前的两年,在公司党委的正确领导下,公司准确把握新机遇,积极创新工作方式 *** ,以新 *** 应对新挑战,公司高级职称人数迅速增加,两年共通过的高级职称人数超100人,是2016年年末高级职称总人数的95.24%,极大地充实了公司的专家队伍,为公司实现百亿特级新四建提供了人才支撑。